In the Media


  • Swimming Against the Tide: African American Girls in Science Education

    Swimming Against the Tide: African American Girls in Science Education

    Although many young minority girls are interested in science, the racism and sexism in the field discourage them from pursuing it after high school. Hansen examines the complex interaction between race and gender in the science domain and addresses the role of agency and resistance that encourages and sustains interest in science in African American families and communities.

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  • The American Dream in the 21st Century

    The American Dream in the 21st Century

    In this short, readable volume, Hansen et al. examine the American Dream historically, socially, and economically and consider its intersection with politics, religion, race, gender, and generation. The expert conclusions presented show that Americans have faith, but yet a realistic assessment in the possibility of achieving the American Dream and present the need for better programs and policies that could make the dream a reality for many.

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