John White, professor of politics, was quoted in a Huffington Post article on presidential vacations. See the article below.

The Lost Art Of The Presidential Vacation

From: Huffington Post Date: Aug. 4, 2014 Author: Jaweed Kaleem

... Today, given the realities of technology, around-the-clock media coverage, and global politics, planning a presidential vacation is a complex undertaking.

"It's an extraordinary effort to move the White House to Martha's Vineyard, to San Clemente, California, or anywhere else," said John White, a presidential historian and politics professor at Catholic University. "It makes it so presidents no longer have vacations because if a world event intervenes -- if there's a war, if an airplane gets shot down, if something happens in Iraq -- they are expected to respond immediately."

"Still, even the change of pace and scenery of vacations has proven to be a good way for presidents to recharge their batteries and develop a little self-introspection." ...

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Read more about White's expertise .