John Grabowksi , associate professor, theology and religious studies, and William Mattison , associate professor, theology and religious studies, were quoted in an Oct. 13 MSNBC article about a Vatican document on gays and lesbians and their relationship to the Church.

From: MSNBC Date: Oct. 13, 2014 Author: Willa Frej

... Dr. John Grabowski, associate professor of moral theology at The Catholic University of America, warns that the document released today is merely a provisional text. "We don't even yet have a definitive English translation, and some people are reading a little too much into it with some of the reactions I've seen out there." He finds that "some people have certain expectations about Pope Francis and they try to fit things that happen into these expectations."

...Professor William Mattison, associate dean for undergraduate studies at The Catholic University of America, agrees with his colleague. "The document is not any bombshell or any significant departure with regard to same-sex marriage or change," he said. Mattison does, however, point out that the "change in emphasis on recognizing the ways that Catholics need to reach out to gay people and to people in difficult situations, recognize the goodness that's there."

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Read more about Mattison's expertise .