William Mattison , associate professor, theology and religious studies, was a guest on The Diane Rehm Show on Oct. 13 to discuss the Synod of Bishops and the future of the Catholic Church.

From: The Diane Rehm Show Date: Oct. 13, 2014

Nearly 200 Roman Catholic clerics from around the world began a second week of discussions at the Vatican yesterday. Pope Francis convened the meeting - called a synod - to explore challenges facing Catholic families and clergy. It's the first time in 35 years a pope has ordered this type of review. Few expect substantive changes in Church rules to come out of the synod. But many Catholics long for a Church more in step with the modern world on contentious issues such as divorce, contraception and same-sex relationships. A discussion of the Vatican synod and the future of the Roman Catholic Church.

> Listen to interview .

Read more about Mattison's expertise .