Chad Pecknold , associate professor of religion, was quoted in a June 22 National Review Online article about popes, politics, and science.

From: National Review Date: June 22, 2015 Author: Kathryn Jean Lopez


Chad Pecknold, associate professor of theology at the Catholic University of America, tells me that "a friend recently asked me the same question" about what the Church has to do with politics and science. His reply? In the Catholic tradition, "all policy recommendations should be carefully considered, and in an encyclical such as this, such recommendations should inform Catholic conscience." But, he explains, "as the Holy Father says, no particular policy recommendation 'binds the conscience' of a Catholic engaged in concrete recommendations particular to his or her own context. This falls under positive precepts of the natural law, in which case there can be legitimate disagreement about solutions and policies. This does not mean that when teaching touches policy considerations it can be dismissed by any Catholic outright. It still must inform the conscience."

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