Chad Pecknold , associate professor, theology, was quoted in a National Review story on Planned Parenthood, in relation to the Pope's recent encyclical on creation. See below.

From: National Review Date: July 20, 2015 Author: Kathryn Jean Lopez

"The misuse of creation begins when we no longer recognize any higher instance than ourselves, when we see nothing else but ourselves," as Pope Francis, in his recent encyclical on creation, quoted his predecessor, Pope Benedict XVI.
"Pointing to God as the common father of all creation, and to the unity of the human family, Pope Francis is also able to stress the interconnectedness of all living things," says Chad Pecknold, associate professor of theology at the Catholic University of America. "And thus in calling us to care for creation he leaves nothing out. If we care about how orca whales are treated or mistreated, then we also ought to care for unborn babies in the womb."

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