Joseph Capizzi , associate professor, theology, was interviewed on the ethics of torture for Catholic News Agency. The story was reposted on Jan. 31, 2017. See below.

'Torture works'? Not really, say former interrogators

From: Catholic News Agency Date: Feb. 25, 2016 Author: Adelaide Mena

Countering claims by some politicians that torture is an acceptable part of the fight against terrorism, experts in ethics and interrogation say that the practice is both immoral and ineffective.

"Torture is an intrinsic evil, an action that is an evil no matter the circumstances or the consequences," said Prof. Joseph Capizzi, an associate professor of Moral Theology at The Catholic University of America.

"Often these arguments begin with the assumption that we need torture to get information. Most people in the intelligence community tell us that it's false," he told CNA.

But torture's ineffectiveness in itself is not why the Church opposes it, he clarified. Instead, torture ought to be rejected simply because it is wrong.

"No matter what the circumstances or the consequences are, acts like torture can never be justifiable, can never be good." ...

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Read more about Capizzi's expertise .