Rev. Paul Sullins , research professor, sociology, published the book "Keeping the Vow," on married Catholic priests. Catholic News Service published a review of the book. See below.

Book tells story of married former Episcopal priests now Catholic priests

From: Catholic News Service (via Catholic Philly) Date: Jan. 29, 2016 Author: Graham Yearley

In "Keeping the Vow," author Father D. Paul Sullins, a sociologist and a former Episcopal priest, presents his research on a tiny but fascinating subcategory of American Catholic priests - married Catholic priests who were formerly Episcopal priests.

The author is in that group; married with three adult children, he became a Catholic priest in 2002. He is a sociology professor at The Catholic University of America in Washington.

In 1980, the Vatican created a pastoral provision allowing the U.S. to admit into the Catholic priesthood former Episcopal priests who have become Catholic. Since that time, at least 80 priests along with their wives and children have made this transition. Most of them serve in dioceses in the Southwest, many of them in Texas in the Dallas-Fort Worth area.

The transition is not easy. Former Episcopal priests are extensively tested for their suitability to serve in the church and for the stability of their marriages. But research shows that these priests have integrated successfully into Catholic parishes. The expected uneasiness of parishioners and the resentment by single, celibate priests have not materialized. The wives of these priests also testify that they have been welcomed in their new parishes.


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Read more about Father Sullins's expertise .