November 06, 2017

Andrew Yeo, associate professor, politics, was quoted in a The Diplomat story on a military base in South Korea that President Trump will visit.

... Media accounts from the time describe the forced relocations as land grabs accompanied by some of the largest and most violent anti-base protests in modern South Korean history. Dr. Andrew Yeo, an associate professor of politics at Catholic University of America, was there. He recalls farmers and families being evicted from the no longer extant villages of Daechu-ri and Dodu-ri. “The [South Korean] Ministry of National Defense (MND) had acquired the land through a process of imminent domain…There was definitely land that was rice farms. I saw it with my own eyes; I walked there.” After leaving South Korea for several months, Yeo returned to find the former rice farms and villages cordoned off with barbed wire. ...

Continue reading in The Diplomat.