Drawing on over 115 interviews with priests and their wives, as well as unprecedented access to the U.S. records of the Pastoral Provision, Keeping the Vow offers the first comprehensive look at these families and their unusual and difficult journey from Anglicanism to Catholicism. Surprisingly, married Catholic priests are more conservative than their celibate colleagues on nearly every issue, including celibacy: they think that priests should, in general, not be allowed to marry.
Learn MoreCo-edited with Pierpaolo Donati and published by the Pontifical Council for the Family in co-ordination with the World Meeting of Family (Philadelphia, Sept 2015), this book presents cross-national evidence from Argentina, Chile, the USA and elsewhere showing that the conjugal family envisioned in Catholic teaching provides the best context for personal growth and social order worldwide.
Learn MorePublished by the British Journal of Education, Society and Behavoural Science. This study refutes the claim of �no differences� with large-sample population evidence showing that children with same-sex parents experience two to four times the risk of emotional, behavioral and developmental problems compared to children with man-woman parents.
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