Panos Tsopelas , associate professor of civil engineering, was interviewed Aug. 9 by AP TV about bridge structures and gusset plates in relation to the bridge collapse in Minneapolis. He spoke on WAMU radio on Aug. 6 discussing the same topic. |
From: AP TV Date: Aug. 9, 2007 Panos Tsopelas, associate professor of civil engineering, is an expert on structural engineering and structural dynamics; structural control, seismic isolation and energy dissipation systems; and seismic protective systems for bridges and buildings. He gave an interview on WAMU radio on Aug. 6 about the Minnesota bridge collapse and spoke to AP TV on Aug. 9 about bridge structures and gusset plates in relation to the collapse. To see the video of the interview, click http://video.ap.org/v/Legacy.aspx?f=1137823&g=4fb048c1-de0d-4316-a1bb-e11c09e486f1&p=ENAPus_ENAPus&t=s201&rf=http%3a%2f%2fwww.ap.org%2fOVN%2fvideo.html&fg=tool&partner=en-ap .