Ronan Connolly , lecturer, modern languages and literatures, was interviewed about Irish culture and language on the March 14 edition of "The Kojo Nnamdi Show," which airs on WAMU-FM (Washington, D.C.).To listen to the segment, click here and then click on "Listen" in the top left corner of the page.

Beyond Green Beer and St. Patrick's Day: Irish Culture and Language

From: The Kojo Nnamdi Show Date: March 14, 2012 Host: Kojo Nnamdi Everyone may be Irish on St. Patrick's Day, but there's more to Irish culture than corned beef chased by Guinness. Ireland is a small nation, but it's made outsized contributions to music, language, and literature. And while English is the primary language spoken in Ireland, the Irish language is enjoying a renaissance, both on the Emerald Isle and here in the U.S. Colorful slang we've adopted includes words like smithereens, galore, and scam. We explore Irish culture - including sports, fashion, and language -- with local expats.GuestsRonan Connolly Irish Language and Culture Lecturer, Catholic University of America; instructor and owner, Learn Irish with Me

Jenny McFarlaneFashion and Music Coordinator, Solas Nua

Kevin O'Sheamember, Washington DC Gaels