Associate Professor of Law Cara Drinan was quoted in a National Catholic Register story on the death penalty. See the article below.

Mishaps Carrying Out Executions Spur Renewal of Death-Penalty Debate

From: National Catholic Register Date: July 24, 2014 Author: Eddie O'Neill

... According to Cara Drinan, law professor at The Catholic University of America, these errors in executions further demonstrate the fact that state governments have no consistent protocol in carrying out capital punishment by injecting prisoners with lethal drugs. However, she noted, state governments have constitutional latitude to carry out executions even if they can sometimes go astray.

"The Eighth Amendment (in its allowance of capital punishment) realizes that there will be human error associated with this process," Drinan said. "It states that due to the nature of the procedure, there is an inherent risk, and things will go wrong." ...

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