John Grabowski, associate professor of moral theology and ethics, was quoted in a story on spirituality and technology. See the article below.
From: Catholic Sentinel Date: Sept. 25, 2014 Author: Ed Langlois
... John Grabowski, a theologian at Catholic University of America, says the Church has never taught that technology itself is bad. It's the way we use it.
"Technology was meant to connect us, but in real life it tends to disconnect us," says Grabowski, a member of the Pontifical Council for the Family.
He notes workers who spend all day on computers and email but have no human contact. He sees families eat dinner with the television on instead of talking. After dinner, some families disperse to be alone with their own digital devices.
"We have a generation of kids who have grown up with cell phones in hand and their preferred communication is texting," Grabowski says. "That hinders their ability to speak to people and build relationships."
Read more about Grabowski's expertise .