President John Garvey was featured in an Oct. 22 America Q-and-A about his leadership of CUA as a lay president.

From: America Date: Oct. 22, 2014 Author: Mary Ann Walsh

1. As a layperson, did you meet any particular challenges in being accepted as president of your university? By religious communities? By local bishop? By local community? By alumni? By faculty? By student body? By other college presidents, both Catholic and non-denominational ones? How did you deal with them?

I haven't had any trouble being accepted as president. There are, though, certain things that my predecessor, Father David O'Connell, now Bishop of Trenton, New Jersey, was able to do better than I by virtue of being a priest. He could preside over university Masses. He could speak with more authority on some religious issues. He was a better advisor and mentor to young men considering a vocation to the priesthood. And I suspect that leading the community, or groups of it, in prayer came more naturally to him.

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