Trevor Lipscombe , director, The Catholic University of America Press, was quoted in a Washington Post story on the Albert Einstein memorial. See below.

Memorials to Gandhi, Einstein share a surprising common bond

From: Washington Post Date: Jan. 23, 2015 Author: Menachem Wecker

... Einstein's clothing is considerably less iconic - and political - than Gandhi's, although Trevor Lipscombe, co-author of "Albert Einstein: A Biography," notes a famous 1945 picture of Einstein wearing sandals at the beach. Einstein was also famous for not wearing socks, adds Lipscombe, who directs Catholic University of America Press.

The story goes that Einstein sought sandals in a Long Island general store in the summer of 1939. Because of Einstein's thick accent, the shop owner heard "sundials." He happened to have one in stock, and confusion ensued. When all was sorted out, Einstein purchased the shop's lone available sandals - a women's pair, reportedly size 11. "I think the story ends up with the store owner and Einstein playing the violin together," Lipscombe says. ...

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