John Grabowski , associate professor of moral theology, was quoted in a National Catholic Register story on the 20th anniversary of Evangelium Vitae . See below.

'Evangelium Vitae' Turns 20

From: National Catholic Register Date: March 25, 2015 Author: Joan Frawley Desmond


"Catholic moral teaching before the Second Vatican Council had become focused on the category of law: What are the relevant moral laws? How do they oblige us, and when do we have room to follow our own human freedom?" John Grabowski, a theology professor at The Catholic University of America, told the Register. "That very legalistic, narrow conception of morality is rightly challenged by the Council."

"In its 'Decree on Priestly Formation,' the Council called for a renewal of moral theology, and this encyclical embodies what that should look like," Grabowski added.

"Instead of offering a definition of moral theology on the basis of natural law, it does so on the basis of Scripture, which has enormous ecumenical potential, and through the mystery and Person of Jesus Christ."


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Read more about Grabowski's expertise .