Joseph Santo, Stephen Gorbos , Andrew Simpson , and Leo Nestor , faculty in the School of Music; Amanda Bono, Shinya Blattmann, Enrique Reynosa, Dan Zhang, and Dorotea Racz , students; and Faye Chiao , alumna, were mentioned in a Catholic Standard review of musical Stations of the Cross, composed and performed by the School of Music. See below.
From: Catholic Standard Date: March 3, 2015 Author: Richard Szczepanowski
A 14-movement musical interpretation of the Stations of the Cross, composed by 14 different Catholic University of America alumni, students, faculty and staff, premiered recently at the Church of the Little Flower in Bethesda.
Performed by two violins, viola and cello, each movement was played as a musical meditation after Msgr. Peter Vaghi, pastor of the parish, prayed the station the music was composed to represent.
"We now offer this tribute of our worship in a spirit of humility and with a contrite heart," Msgr. Vaghi intoned before the nearly 200 people in the church joined him in praying the Stations of the Cross.
The work was performed by CUA student musicians Shinya Blattmann and Enrique Reynosa on violin; Dan Zhang on viola; and Dorotea Racz on cello.
The works were composed to mark CUA's Benjamin T. Rome School of Music's 50th anniversary. While each station was interpreted by its own composer, the program notes point out that "the resulting work, combining the work of several generations of composers and widely diverse styles, is unified by artistic response to the events of Christ's Passion as remembered in the service."