Stephen Schneck , director, Institute for Policy Research & Catholic Studies, was interviewed by Crux on whether lawmakers will be influenced by Laudato Si . See below.

Pope Francis has spoken on the environment. Will the US Congress listen?

From: Crux Date: June 25, 2015 Author: Michael O'Loughlin


Stephen F. Schneck, who leads the Institute for Policy Research & Catholic Studies at the Catholic University of America, told Crux he anticipates that lawmakers will consider the pope's message on the environment, and ultimately push for legislation in line with the encyclical.

"This is different than the normal letters that the USCCB sends over all the time on a variety of issues," he said. "It really transcends the fault lines of both US politics and politics around the world."

He predicted that members of Congress will begin to digest the encyclical just before the pope's September address. "Something's going to come out of this and it's definitely going to have an impact on public policy in the US," he said.


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Read more about Schneck's expertise .