William Dinges , professor, religious studies, was interviewed about climate change and religious belief in The Virginian-Pilot. See below.

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From: The Virginian Pilot Date: Aug. 26, 2015 Author: Bill Bartel

Closer to home, he said, records show that the Hague in Norfolk flooded only a few hours a year the 1920s but now floods hundreds of hours annually.

Climate change is not a matter of faith, he said. "It's a matter of evidence. What do we do about it and the moral implications? Your faith and beliefs have a tremendous bearing on your response."

Williams Dinges, theology professor at Catholic University of America, said the pope's action is sparking a new level of commitment to deal with the threat of environmental destruction. He noted that the pope wants people to react "without delay."

"At its heart, it's a moral issue" and not just a political one, Dinges said.

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