Sister Ruth Harkins , associate campus minister for graduate and professional students, and students Aidan Byrnes , Natalia Rincon , and Dylan Corbett , were quoted in an Our Sunday Visitor story about a trip to visit the U.S.-Mexico border. See below.
From: Our Sunday Visitor Date: May 16, 2016 Author: Patti Maguire Armstrong
As the school year ends, eight students from The Catholic University of America are packing up and heading for the Mexican border. They will spend two weeks in Las Cruces, New Mexico, and El Paso, Texas, May 16-29, immersed in the immigration experience.
It is the culmination of a class called "Migrants and Pilgrims: Immigration and the Roman Catholic Church in America" that looks at the sociological, theological and spiritual aspects of immigration. Instructors, Will Rainford, dean of the National Catholic School of Social Service, and Immaculate Heart of Mary Sister Ruth Harkins, associate campus minister for graduate and professional students, will lead the group. It will be Sister Harkins' fourth trip.
"This is an opportunity to experience the issues up close," she told Our Sunday Visitor. "The students will see that what they see and hear in the media is not always accurate." Many parts of the story are heartbreaking, she said. "It's not a glamorous life even when they get here.They are working two and three jobs to make ends meet, and we are paying them terrible wages because we can." ...