Kurt Martens , professor, canon law, was quoted in a National Catholic Register story on archdioceses and wealth. See below.

Munich Archdiocese Possesses a Wealth of Resources

From: National Catholic Register Date: July 21, 2016 Author: Edward Pentin

... The lack of diocesan control over such expenditure has raised questions over whether such a situation is in conformity with Church law. Kurt Martens, canon law professor at The Catholic University of America, believes such "constructions are canonically allowable" as long as the assets have been transferred by the archdiocese to the foundation, "preferably a public juridic person, under the control and supervision of the same archdiocese."

"Such a transfer, given the sum involved, was most likely subject to a permission [for validity] by the Holy See, in this case the Congregation for the Clergy," Martens said, adding that this is "not such an uncommon construction." But he stressed that he was basing such information "upon assumptions" and so, although canonically it seems admissible, closer examination of the canonical statutes and civil bylaws of those foundations, and the transactions that took place, may reveal problems with handing financial control to the foundations. ...

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Read more about Marten's expertise .