Bradley Lewis , associate professor, philosophy, was quoted in an article published in the National Catholic Register discussing presidentail candiates and their views on abortion. See below.

From: National Catholic Register Date: Sept. 23, 2016 Author: Joan Frawley Desmond

...Moral absolutes, including the Church's consistent teaching on the intrinsic evil of abortion, "are a limited but important matter for reflection by citizens in making decisions about how to vote," agreed Bradley Lewis, a philosophy professor at The Catholic University of America.

"Secretary Clinton's views about abortion are quite clear and well-known. Donald Trump ... has generally claimed to hold a pro-life view, but this seems to be a suspiciously recent development," said Lewis, in comments that sought to explain why polls reflected Catholic resistance to Trump.

Trump's vow to name pro-life jurists may still win over some holdouts, Lewis suggested.

"Then again, he has also occasionally seemed to endorse both torture and the intentional killing of innocent non-combatants (the families of terrorists). These two positions are expressly at odds with Catholic teaching."

Further, Lewis noted that the Church's moral and social teaching offer additional context for voter assessments. "Catholic teaching holds that the end of politics is the common good, and so we are enjoined to look to the common good in making our political choices," he explained....

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Read more about Lewis's expertise.