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Camilla MacKenzie , senior, theology major, was quoted in an Our Sunday Visitor story about overcoming homesickness at college. See below.
From: Our Sunday Visitor Date: Sept. 18/2016 Author: Michelle Martin
... Camilla MacKenzie, a senior theology major at The Catholic University of America in Washington, D.C., will serve as a student minister in a freshman women's residence hall this year, and she recalls a similar experience.
"At the beginning of school, there was so much going on," she said. "There was orientation, and then after orientation there was something to do every night, plus classes and homework.
"At the beginning of the semester, there was really no time to be homesick."
By the time she started feeling homesick, she said, she'd already connected with campus ministry and formed a habit of going to Wednesday night Eucharistic adoration with praise and worship as well as Sunday Mass.
She also felt comfortable talking with the student minister in her residence hall.
"She had been through it, so she could help me through it," MacKenzie said. ...