Chad Pecknold , associate professor, theology, was quoted in an article published by the National Catholic Reporter, discussing St. Augustine and his attribution as the patron saint of the election cycle. See below.
From: National Catholic Reporter Date: November 3, 2016 Author: F. Scott Fitgerald
..."Augustine's 'City of God' is not about hunkering down. It's about being a public presence in every city," said Chad Pecknold, a Catholic University of America theologian and commentator on religion and politics who is writing a book called "Augustine's City."
"The realism of Augustine is always something I think a lot of people miss," Pecknold said. "He's actually very realistic about the earthly city as a place of compromise, about the agreement of goods held in common. He's even realistic about politics being about things of conscience and the discernment of the eternal law."...
Read more about Pecknold's expertise.