Archbishop Silvano Tomasi , former Vatican observer to the U.N.. agencies in Geneva, spoke at the Catholic University of America, discussing the Pope's views on an inclusive economy. See below.

From: The Visitor Date: November 10, 2016

Archbishop Silvano Tomasi, who was the Vatican observer to the U.N.. agencies in Geneva until February, said Pope Francis' reminders stem from his "preoccupation ... for the protection of the human person" in an attempt to make clear to the world that excluded people are not to be exploited nor are they to become an "afterthought" in a globalized economy.

Speaking at a Catholic University of America program Nov. 9, the archbishop said the pope sees the need for an economic system that is inclusive, welcoming all people into its realm so they can have a voice in policymaking and live safer, healthier and more productive lives.

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