Josh Shepperd , assistant professor, media studies, was mentioned in an Inside Radio story on the Library of Congress's Radio Preservation Task Force, which he's worked with for two years. See below.
From: Inside Radio Date: Dec. 14, 2014
In an effort to preserve radio's historic bygone era, a division of the Library Congress is working to save decades of radio news. Toward that effort, over the past two years, Josh Shepperd, an assistant professor of media studies at Catholic University in Washington DC, has spearheaded a team that uncovered some 350,000 recordings from more than 350 archives.
Shepperd estimates that up to 90% of all radio broadcasts that aired between the mid-1920s and the mid-1980s were not saved. Millions of hours of tape were either trashed or not properly stored or preserved, or else were lost as radio stations consolidated, changed hands, reorganized their spaces or shifted buildings, according to a story posted by the Poynter Institute. ...