Maryann Cusimano Love , associate professor, politics, was quoted in a National Catholic Reporter story on a March 2 peace making forum at the United Nations. See below.
From: National Catholic Reporter Date: March 20, 2017Author: Chris Herlinger
... The case of Colombia was cited by Dr. Maryann Cusimano Love, who teaches international relations at the Catholic University of America, as one of the successes of a world where, increasingly, "peace is breaking out," she argued.
Data shows that there are fewer than 10 wars in the world now, and more than of half of war-related deaths are from Syria and two-thirds are from Syria or Iraq. "Most people [in the world] are living in peace," she said.
But Love added that she does not want to be "cavalier" about peace in the world. "Not everybody is living in peace," she said, adding that a key role for peacemaking is in "rebuilding communities after times of conflict, especially through participation, reestablishment of just relationships, restoration of order, reestablishment, reconciliation among warring parties, and sustainable solutions."
This means focusing on issues of "repair," Love said, "not just of homes and bridges but of the human infrastructure, the human heart."
"We have to remember all wars end; whether they end well or end badly depends on us and whether we build a lasting peace." ...