Michael Phelan , associate campus minister for men's ministry, retreats, and athletics, Becky Hoisl, senior education major, and Patrick Quintana, alumnus, were quoted in Our Sunday Visitor stories on fostering faith in athletes during college. . See below.
From: OSV Date: Feb. 26, 2017Author: Maryann Gogniat Eidemiller
... "Sometimes it's difficult to incorporate athletes into the student body," said Michael Phelan, associate campus minister for men's ministry retreats and athletics at The Catholic University of America (CUA) in Washington, D.C.
Getting out of the comfort zone with their peers and the time restraints imposed by their sports are just some of the challenges that Catholic athletes face on campus.
"There are pressures for them to get everything done and to make it look easy," Phelan said. "There's this idea that a student shouldn't complain about things, that they should just be able to do everything. But once you get to know a student one on one, they begin to open up to you, and you can see how much stress some of them are under, how hard they are challenged to work academically and athletically. I think that the values we have here incorporate what a team is with things like camaraderie and fraternity, with the goal to always bring others to Christ and Christ to others. We are doing this for our athletes through campus ministry and through the recognition of their own goodness." ...