Angela Knobel, associate professor, philosophy, was mentioned in a Catholic News Service story on a panel discussion on being pro-life and feminist hosted by the Institute for Human Ecology. The panel was also covered by Catholic News Agency, Aleteia, Women Speak for Themselves, and Human Life International's Truth and Charity Forum.
"Convened for a panel discussion on whether pro-life advocates can be feminists, three speakers from each side of the abortion issue debated the topic for an hour and ultimately agreed on one thing: The need for both sides to build more coalitions to improve conditions for women, including better overall access to health care.
The April 10 panel discussion on the campus of The Catholic University of America in Washington was sponsored by the university’s Institute for Human Ecology and moderated by Angela Knobel, associate professor of philosophy and an institute fellow. It drew a crowd of 125.
“I was a feminist before I was pro-life, and I’m honestly pro-life because I’m a feminist,” said panelist Aimee Murphy, founder and executive director of Rehumanize International in Pittsburgh. Her organization, formerly Life Matters Journal, is an education and advocacy group dedicated to promoting a consistent ethic of life from conception to natural death." ...
Continue reading the Catholic News Service story (via Crux).