Robert Destro, professor, law, was quoted in a National Catholic Register story about the results of the Trinity Lutheran Church of Columbia, Inc. v. Comer Supreme Court case.
... The U.S. Supreme Court agreed to hear the case in January 2016. By then, a federal district and appeals court had ruled for the state. Attorneys said they did not expect the lower-court decisions to affect how the high court will analyze the case.
“The court will look at the policy across the board, not as a question of correcting a mistake,” said Robert Destro, a law professor and founding director of the Interdisciplinary Program in Law & Religion at The Catholic University of America’s Columbus School of Law.
Destro told the Register that the Trinity Lutheran matter is a “pure religious-discrimination case” if the court discounts Missouri’s Establishment Clause argument. Destro said such a policy flows from the state looking to draw “a bright line” against public support and funding of religion.
“But these are ground-up tires, for heaven’s sake. It’s not like the church is buying altar vestments,” Destro said. ...
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