Nicholas Dujmovic, visiting professor, politics, was quoted in two Bloomberg politics stories on President Trump reportedly sharing intelligence information.
... “Presidents have often revealed, on their own authority (and sometimes inadvertently), secrets about collection capabilities that the Intelligence Community would have preferred to have kept secret, because such exposure tends to make such collection more difficult,” Nicholas Dujmovic, a Catholic University of America professor in Washington who spent more than 25 years at the CIA, said in an email.
President Richard Nixon mistakenly revealed U.S. abilities to monitor Soviet and Chinese electronic transmissions in the Far East and President Jimmy Carter acknowledged for the first time that the U.S. used satellites to collect overhead imagery, Dujmovic said. President Ronald Reagan ordered the release of transcripts from the National Security Agency to show that the Soviet shootdown of KAL 007 in 1983 was deliberate, he added.
“Presidents can do this; in a sense, they ‘own’ US secrets,” Dujmovic said. “But in a larger sense, they are the custodians of the secrets that need to be kept for the sake of U.S. national security, and what President Trump is alleged to have done goes beyond the pale. If the Post reporting is accurate, he revealed compartmented information on the spur of the moment, simply to impress his foreign guests.” ...
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“If true, the story will indeed harm relations with U.S. allies who are our closest intelligence partners and will now be wary of sharing their best secrets with us,” said Nicholas Dujmovic, who spent 26 years at the CIA and is director of the intelligence studies program at Catholic University of America in Washington.
Another possible casualty would be clandestine human sources, who may “think twice before providing the U.S. with privileged information,” added Dujmovic, who used to edit the daily intelligence report provided to presidents. “Why take the risk of giving the Americans great intelligence if the president is going to reveal it?” ...
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