Daniel Attridge, dean, law; Sarah Duggin, professor, law; Mark Rienzi, professor, law; and Cara Drinan, professor, law, were quoted in an Arlington Catholic Herald story about recent gifts to the law school totally $1.4 million.
...“We are very appreciative of the support we have received for these programs,” said Daniel F. Attridge, law school dean. “We’ve selected three initiatives that we think are very consistent with our strengths — our location here in Washington, D.C., our mission as part of The Catholic University of America, and the expertise of our faculty.”...
...“As Pope Francis has said, business, finance, the economy — work in these areas truly is a vocation. And it becomes a noble vocation when leaders in this field think about the moral and ethical aspects of what they do and embrace a culture of corporate integrity,” said Duggin. “Our overall goal is to create a center of national excellence where we can help provide the academic background for new thinking in compliance and corporate responsibility from a legal perspective.”...
...“The goal of the program of religious liberty is really to present an authentic Catholic voice talking about the importance of religious liberty,” Rienzi said. “Creating a center where we’ll build up scholarship about the importance of religious liberty and making sure the government leaves room for religious freedom and diversity is a really important thing to do at this time.”...
...“Not only does this project afford the law school a chance to serve the most vulnerable members of society, but it addresses on a larger scale the church’s call for us to exercise a preferential option for the poor and to meet the needs of those who have been marginalized,” said Drinan. ...
Continue reading at the The Arlington Catholic Herald.