John Kenneth White, professor, politics, and V. Bradley Lewis, associate professor, philosophy, were quoted in a Catholic News Service story on noble politics.
...John White, a professor of politics at The Catholic University of America, said that just as individuals choose sides in politics, so do "interests with a stake in a political outcome that favors them. Those who lack power or are demonized, or both, become victims of this new, zero-sum politics." Pope Francis' recent remarks about politics, he said, can be read as a response to "a coarsening of public dialogue in many countries, including the United States. American politics has become completely polarized in recent years, and that polarization has been deliberately exploited by Donald Trump."...
..."The church has always taught the fundamental equality of human beings and this transcends borders," V. Bradley Lewis, who teaches political philosophy at The Catholic University of America, told CNS. "Since the time of St. John XXIII the church has talked not just about the common good of nations, but about the universal common good. This too is the business of statesmanship."...
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