University President John Garvey’s speech to Catholic educators in the archdiocese of Kansas City was covered by The Leaven. Read below.
The lecture was cited in a talk by Bishop James Johnston.
... A taste of the richness of the Catholic intellectual tradition was part of the dinner program of an annual meeting of Catholic school board trustee members held Oct. 11 at Savior Pastoral Center here. The evening began with a Mass celebrated by Archbishop Joseph F. Naumann and concelebrated by Father William Bruning and Father Andrew Strobl. Monsignor. Gary Applegate was master of ceremonies. The evening’s speaker was John H. Garvey, president of The Catholic University of America in Washington, D.C. In his presentation, “Go and Make Disciples: The Role of Catholic Schools,” Garvey talked about what makes a Catholic education special. Not only is Garvey a product of Catholic education and in the business of Catholic education, but his five children have collectively acquired 96 years of Catholic education. ...
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