June 27, 2018

Chad Pecknold, associate professor, theology, published an op-ed in the Arlington Catholic Herald about study groups of Humanae Vitae he’ll be leading on social media this summer. Catholic News Agency wrote about the study group.

We live in a time when so many causes compete for our attention. Sometimes the causes are weighty, but rarely do the campaigns ask that much of us. Seldom do they invite us to think, rarely do they invite us to ask fundamental questions about life itself.

This summer, Catholics throughout the world will be reminded that July 25 marks the 50th anniversary of Pope Paul VI’s encyclical on human life, “Humanae Vitae.” Not every papal encyclical gets a 50-year retrospective. This is not because we pick and choose which encyclicals to follow and which to ignore. All papal teaching has authority. But when popes teach things so essential to the flourishing of all people, regardless of belief, we want to keep returning to this particular well of wisdom. And so we will. ...

Continue reading in the Herald.