September 24, 2018
Catholic News Service covered a talk on the 60th anniversary of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights delivered by Princeton Professor Robert George at an event hosted by the Institute for Human Ecology.


...  “Think of how some people treat the unborn child,” Robert George, a professor of jurisprudence at Princeton University and a former chairman of the U.S. Commission on International Religious Freedom, told an audience at The Catholic University of America. “Well, the unborn child isn’t far enough in its development, so we can treat the unborn child as inferior. Or even the newborn child, (who) could be treated as less equal than a mature rabbit or dog.

“So we have to fight against that temptation all the time. … We need to be able to see the fundamental worth in all humanity of anybody,” he continued. “The homeless person under the bridge. The disabled person, the mentally disturbed person, the person whose mental illness may result in his being very offensive, even involved in criminality of some sort. … Still, they have an unerasable human dignity.” ...

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