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University President John Garvey and Cardinal DiNardo were quoted in National Catholic Register, Catholic News Service, and Catholic New York about the day long conference called ‘The Role of Laity in Responding to the crisis: Theological and Historical Foundations’ as part of the ongoing series ‘Healing the Breach of Trust’ at Catholic University.
University President John Garvey and Joseph Capizzi, director of IHE and professor, moral theology and ethics were interviewed on EWTN about the conference as part of the ongoing series ‘Healing the Breach of Trust’ at Catholic University. Watch on EWTN
University President John Garvey, Cardinal DiNardo and Michael Root, professor, systematic theology were quoted in National Catholic Reporter about the conference ‘The Role of Laity in Responding to the crisis: Theological and Historical Foundations’ as part of the ongoing series ‘Healing the Breach of Trust’ at Catholic University.
Cardinal DiNardo and the conference at Catholic University was also featured in The Crux and The Tablet about the ongoing series 'Healing the Breach of Trust.'
Michael Root, professor, systematic theology and Sister Nancy Bauer, assistant professor, canon law were quoted in a Catholic News Service story about ‘Healing the Breach of Trust’ conference with Cardinal DiNardo and how theology, history and canon law come into play with the role of laity in responding to the crisis.
Sister Nancy Bauer was also quoted in the National Catholic Reporter about the February 6th ‘Healing the Breach of Trust’ conference held at Catholic University as part of the initiative to finding solutions to the crisis in advance of the Feb. 21 - 24 Vatican summit.
...Garvey said addressing the crisis is of great importance and bishops should think about those in pews who are “gradually falling away.” “We need to understand people’s love for the Church is greatly affected,” he said. “We better fix it or we’re going to lose the next generation of Catholics.”...
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..."In extreme situations," Root said, "the laity can remove clerical leaders and replace them and, in extreme cases, even substitute for them."...
...Benedictine Sister Nancy Bauer, a Catholic University theology professor, suggested that Canon 212 "is a powerhouse" when conferring rights upon the laity to take an active role in the abuse crisis...
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