President John Garvey, published commentary on The Boston Pilot about the student government association passing a resolution on banning pornography on the university’s wifi.
...I am so proud of our students. This month, the student government association, the body that represents our undergraduates, passed a resolution asking the university to prohibit access through the campus network to the 200 most frequently visited pornography websites. I told them we'd be happy to...
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Karna Lozoya was quoted in the Newsweek about the University’s initiatives to implement the ban that the student government passed on censorship.
...Lozoya added that the students made a “convincing” argument and said the university was grateful that they brought the issue to the administration’s attention...
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Karna Lozoya, executive director, communications, Cornelius Deep, student, Alexandra Kilgore, student, Jimmy Harrington, student, and Gerard McNair-Lewis, student, were all quoted in a Catholic News Agencyand National Catholic Register about student senate passing a resolution on censorship with the university’s internet.
Jimmy Harrington, student, and Karna Lozoyza, executive director, communications, were quoted in the Washington Examiner about the student government initiative to ban pornography on university’s wifi.