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Jakub Grygiel, associate professor, politics, was mentioned in Foreign Policy Research Institute News about becoming a Senior Fellow in FPRI’s Asia Program and their Program on National Security.
...Jakub Grygiel is Book Review Editor of Orbis, FPRI’s journal of world affairs. He is an Associate Professor at the Catholic University of America. In 2017-18, he was a senior advisor to the Secretary of State in the Office of Policy Planning, working on European affairs. Previously, he was a senior fellow at the Center for European Policy Analysis and and on the faculty of SAIS at Johns Hopkins University. He is the author of Return of the Barbarians (Cambridge University Press, 2018), Great Powers and Geopolitical Change (JHU Press, 2006), and co-author with Wess Mitchell of The Unquiet Frontier (Princeton University Press, 2016). His articles have appeared in Foreign Affairs, The American Interest, and Orbis...
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