Creative Services works with schools and departments on campus to create advertisements, brochures, posters, invitations, announcements, fliers, folders, banners or newsletters.
Our Services:
Our services are free.You only pay for printing and mailing costs.
We have worked with every school and department on campus, as well as Catholic University's administrative offices. Among the publications we design are the CatholicU Magazine, Catholic University Annual Report, and Catholic Engineer.
Note: University policy requires the Division of University Communications to produce or review Catholic University brochures, ads, newsletters, and other printed matter intended for an external audience.
This document provides guidelines for maintaining a consistent image and identity across all Catholic Universtiy communication materials. This includes rules for applying the University's color palette, typographic fonts, gramatical rules, and visual rules across all media.
The Creative Services team is here to ensure that Catholic University's name and logo are used consistently and that messages to our many external audiences are uniformly high quality to solidify our identity and to raise our profile in a positive way. That's why we review, design, or oversee the design of all printed materials before they're sent off campus.
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