Catholic University to Donate $60,000 for Haitian Earthquake Victims
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Jan. 25, 2010
CUA students collect money for "CUA Cares" on the morning of the March for Life.The Catholic University of America will submit $60,000 to Catholic Relief Services for the victims of the earthquake in Haiti.The student-led initiative " CUA Cares — A Novena of Prayer and Action for the People of Haiti " collected more than $28,000 from students, faculty, staff and others. The university will match these funds raised and submit $60,000 to the organization, which is providing emergency-response to the victims of the 7.0 magnitude earthquake on Jan. 12."The outpouring of prayers, concern, generosity and support from our community for the people of Haiti in their time of crisis has been nothing short of inspiring," said Very Rev. David M. O'Connell, C.M., university president, in a statement to the university community. "As president, I want to express a word of gratitude to you, on behalf of our Haitian sisters and brothers, for your love and care for them."In addition to raising funds, "CUA Cares" also has worked to raise awareness on campus of the people of Haiti. The initiative also encouraged prayer for the earthquake victims and their families. The novena began with a Mass held on Thursday, Jan. 14."In my homily on Jan. 14, I announced a 'Novena of Prayer and Action,' " Father O'Connell said. "Those nine days, which concluded last Friday, were certainly that and more. I am always so proud of our university community and its mission but never more so than when we are called to respond to people in need. You have been truly amazing in this effort and I thank you from the bottom of my heart for all you have done!"Money was collected in the Edward J. Pryzbyla University Center during meal times, at athletic events during the novena, at university Masses, at a concert by the student group Redline a cappella and before last week's National Prayer Vigil for Life at the Basilica of the National Shrine of the Immaculate Conception. Donations were also accepted online.