CUA Lecture: "Exploring the Nature of Matter: Jefferson Lab and Its Plans" by Lab Director Hugh Montgomery
WHEN: Friday, March 26, 4 p.m. WHERE: The Catholic University of America Hannan Hall, Herzfeld Auditorium (Room 108) 620 Michigan Ave., N.E. Washington, D.C. DETAILS:As the speaker for Catholic University's 29th annual Karl Herzfeld Memorial Lecture, Hugh Montgomery, director of the Jefferson Lab, will describe the facility and its plans.
Operated under the auspices of the U.S. Department of Energy, the Jefferson Lab is currently executing an upgrade of the power of the accelerator from 6 giga-electronVolts to 12 giga-electronVolts; this project was recommended as the top priority in the most recent U.S. nuclear physics long-range plan. The upgrade will enable breakthroughs to be made in the areas of quark confinement in matter and parity violation in particle interactions, as well as allowing increased understanding of the three-dimensional structure of the neutron and proton.
Beyond this upgrade, Jefferson Lab will be proposing to build an electron-ion collider, which would for the first time enable researchers to study the fundamental structure of matter by directly probing the subatomic particles called gluons.
A reception immediately follows the lecture.
CUA's Herzfeld Memorial Lecture is named in honor of Karl F. Herzfeld, who chaired the university's physics department from 1936 to 1961; he passed away in 1978. Herzfeld built CUA's initially tiny physics department "into a strong research department that achieved national renown," according to the National Academy of Sciences journal Biographical Memoirs. The American Institute of Physics has reported that CUA's physics department brings in more research money per professor than almost any other physics department in the country.
CUA's physics department has been involved in the physics program of the Jefferson Lab since its inception, including participation in the design and construction of experimental equipment. Current CUA participants in Jefferson Lab research include Professor Emeritus Hall Crannell, Professor Daniel Sober, Associate Professor Franz Klein and Assistant Professor Tanja Horn.
The lecture is free and open to the public. For information about the lecture, contact CUA's Department of Physics at 202-319-5315.
SPONSOR: CUA's Department of Physics and its Karl Herzfeld Memorial Lecture FundMEDIA:
For more information, contact Katie Lee or Mary McCarthy in the Office of Public Affairs at 202-319-5600.