Four CUA Seminarians to Be Ordained as Deacons
WHEN: Saturday, April 10, 9:30 a.m. WHERE: Basilica of the National Shrine of the Immaculate Conception Crypt Church 400 Michigan Ave., N.E. Washington, D.C. DETAILS:Four seminarians from Catholic University's national seminary, Theological College, and a seminarian from Washington State will be ordained to the order of deacons in a milestone on the path to becoming priests.
Most Rev. William Skylstad, bishop of the Diocese of Spokane, Wash., will preside at the ordination, with Rev. Melvin Blanchette, S.S., rector of Theological College, and other seminary faculty assisting with the Mass.
The seminarians to be ordained as deacons are:
Jeffrey Core, Diocese of Spokane Jeffrey Lewis, Diocese of Spokane Nicholas Reid, Diocese of Jefferson City, Mo. Tyler Smedley, Diocese of Spokane Jason Hiner, Diocese of Spokane and a student at Mount Angel Seminary in St. Benedict, Ore.The four from Theological College have spent at least three years in formation and in graduate education at CUA on their way to becoming diocesan priests. A deacon can fulfill some of the responsibilities of a priest - preach and baptize, for example - but cannot hear confessions or offer Mass. After a summer working in ministry, they will return to Theological College in August to complete a final academic year. The four Theological College seminarians are among nine from the seminary becoming deacons this spring. Five others will be ordained deacons later this spring in their home dioceses. For more information, contact Rev. Melvin Blanchette, S.S., rector of Theological College, at 202-756-4916 or mblanchette@theologicalcollege.org .
To cover the ordination, contact Katie Lee or Mary McCarthy in CUA's Office of Public Affairs at 202-319-5600.