April 16, 2010
In an annual tradition, admitted students and their families traveled to campus on Friday, April 16, to learn more about academic programs, extracurricular activities and the school that may become home to these prospective students over the next few years.
The day kicked off with an introduction by university president Very Rev. David M. O'Connell, C.M., in the Basilica of the National Shrine of the Immaculate Conception adjacent to the campus. Father O'Connell delivered remarks to a standing-room-only crowd at the Basilica.
After the introduction, students and their families had the opportunity to tour residence hall rooms and campus facilities, speak with current students and faculty about academic programs, and learn more about other opportunities they'll have once they enroll at CUA.
This evening, while parents have the chance to meet alumni, prospective students will get to explore Washington, D.C., by assisting the Office of Campus Ministry in a service project, visiting the International Spy Museum, having dinner at Union Station or seeing Washington's monuments during an evening bus tour.
To see a more detailed schedule of the day, click here .