CUA President Participates in Martin Luther King Jr. Day of Service
Approximately 300 members of the CUA community - including President John Garvey and his wife, Jeanne -participated in a day of community service on Monday, Jan. 17, in honor of Martin Luther King Jr.'s birthday.
President John Garvey gathers with members of the CUA community at the conclusion of a day of volunteering at Ketcham Elementary School in Southeast, D.C. View photo gallery.Addressing the volunteers who had gathered in Caldwell Hall Auditorium for a brief orientation and breakfast that morning, Garvey said, "We tend to think of Dr. King for his great service for the civil rights movement, and rightly so, but we often forget about his dedication and service to the poor and vulnerable. We remember that work today."
In addition, Rev. Jude DeAngelo, O.F.M., Conv., university chaplain and director of campus ministry, led the volunteers in prayer.
The Garveys, along with CUA students, faculty, and staff, spent the holiday volunteering at sites throughout Washington, D.C. The volunteers included Veryl Miles, dean of CUA's Columbus School of Law, and Susan Pervi, vice president for student life, as well as several coaches from the Department of Athletics.
A group of about 150 CUA volunteers cleaned, painted murals, and helped beautify Ketcham Elementary School in Southeast, D.C., in conjunction with the organization City Year. Another group of volunteers did similar work at Browne Education Campus in Northeast, D.C., in partnership with Greater D.C. Cares. Other volunteers spent the day at the Washington Hebrew Congregation in Northwest, D.C., preparing food, sorting donated clothing, and making arts and crafts with children.
Students paint a mural at Ketcham Elementary School. View photo gallery.This is the sixth year that members of the CUA community spent the holiday held in honor of the civil rights leader's birthday engaged in service projects.
This year, the day of service was part of a four-month-long campaign on campus to accentuate the four cardinal virtues. The month of January is dedicated to the cardinal virtue of justice. Those who participated in the day of service received a sweatshop-free T-shirt that feature the theme of justice.
In addition, the service day orientation included a brief presentation on the four virtues.
The campaign is directly related to Garvey's inaugural theme "Intellect and Virtue: the Idea of a Catholic University." Garvey will speak on the theme at his inauguration as Catholic University's 15th president on Jan. 25; it is also the theme for a semester-long series of lectures and other events.
The other cardinal virtues of prudence, temperance and fortitude will be celebrated between February and April.