Feb. 21, 2011
Would you like a book recommendation from CUA's new President?
In honor of John Garvey's inaugural year theme of "Intellect and Virtue: The Idea of a Catholic University," CUA Press asked the President, an avid reader, to pick five favorites from its publications list.
The press is offering a "President's Day" 10 percent discount Feb. 21 through Feb. 27 on Garvey's selections.
Here are the books the President picked and why:
The Intellectual Life: Its Spirit, Conditions, Methods by Rev. A.G. Sertillanges, O.P. "It's the theme of the year and one of our bestsellers."
The Mind That Is Catholic: Philosophical and Political Essays by James V. Schall"Father Schall dedicated the book to the School of Philosophy and it's in line with our theme."
Praeambula Fidei: Thomism and the God of the Philosophers by Ralph McInerny "He was my philosophy teacher in college, and recently died. A great man."
The Third Spring: G.K. Chesterton, Graham Greene, Christopher Dawson, and David Jones by Adam Schwartz "I have always loved Chesterton and Dawson. And the idea of a Catholic revival in England is once again appealing."
Handbook for William: A Carolingian Woman's Counsel for Her Son by Dhuoda"This one addresses the formation of young people, and that's a concern of my inaugural address."To order these titles with a 10 percent discount through March 31, visit cuapress.cua.edu or call 1-800-537-5487. When ordering, use promotion code: CZ011.
The Intellectual Life (978-0-8132-0646-2) Discount price $17.96 The Mind That Is Catholic (978-0-8132-1541-9) Discount price $31.46 Praeambula Fide i (978-0-8132-1458-0) Discount price $31.46 The Third Spring (978-0-8132-1387-3) Discount price $58.46 Handbook for William (978-0-8132-0938-8) Discount price $13.46