Feb. 6, 2012
The Catholic University of America will conduct a drill at 11:15 a.m. Tuesday, Feb. 7, part of the Great Central U.S. ShakeOut, so members of the CUA community can practice the best way to protect themselves in the event of an earthquake - drop, cover, and hold on.The University is participating in the drill in the wake of the 5.8-magnitude earthquake that hit the Washington, D.C., area last August. In preparing for the drill, the University is encouraging all members of the CUA community to consult posters around campus that illustrate the earthquake response. The drill will last 60 seconds.CUA's Department of Public Safety is also encouraging members of the CUA community to watch a video about the earthquake response by clicking here . Catholic University continually urges CUA community members to review the procedures the University follows in the event of an emergency by visiting the public safety department's website .