March 13, 2012
Program to Encourage Faculty and Graduate Students in Faith Formation
Washington, D.C.-The Catholic University of America and the Society of Catholic Social Scientists (SCSS) present the fifth annual Summer Institute of Catholic Social Thought to be held June 4 through 8 at CUA.
The five-day program, which is also supported by the Center for the Advancement of Catholic Higher Education, will cover Catholic teachings in philosophy, theology, and eight social science disciplines. It is targeted toward college faculty and graduate students who are seeking to further their formation in Catholic identity.
Institute director Rev. Paul Sullins, associate professor of sociology at Catholic University, says "This intensive program provides an opportunity for younger academics to help put the social sciences and their own discipline into a Catholic framework. They will improve their ability to integrate faith and learning in their teaching and research."
Confirmed speakers for the institute include:
The first day of the institute will be devoted to a systematic overview of the Church's teachings on society and education, including such important documents as the Compendium of the Social Doctrine of the Church , Ex Corde Ecclesiae and Caritas in Veritate . The second day will provide a broad framework for further integrating Catholicism and the social sciences.
The remaining sessions will explore strategies targeted to specific social science disciplines and institutional cultures. The third day will cover psychology, political science, and law; the fourth day, history, sociology, and anthropology; and the last day will focus on economics and business. The program also features extensive discussion and interaction with Catholic-oriented policy agencies and the United States Conference of Catholic Bishops.
Past programs have featured such notable Catholic academics as Michael Novak, Rev. Benedict Groeschel, C.F.R., Rev. James Schall, and Paul Vitz, along with practitioners focused on the respective social science disciplines. Prior participants describe the institute as "life-changing," "ground-breaking," and "a beautiful exposition of the fundamental principles of Catholic social doctrine."
Father Sullins notes, "We have gathered together some of the best mentors in the country - outstanding Catholic scholars and experts in the Church's social teachings - to share their experience, wisdom, and even struggles in the task of integrating faith and learning in their teaching and research.
"Throughout the week we encourage participants to engage and challenge everything presented, and to move from abstract theory to concrete application in their own settings, so as to make the Church's wisdom their own. Our ultimate hope is that the institute will help to shape a new generation of Catholic scholars in the academy."
Faculty members and graduate students can attend as individuals or they can be sponsored by their academic institutions. For more information, call 202-319-5445. The program brochure and application are also available at the Society's website www.catholicsocialscientists.org .