June 25, 2012
All University offices will close at 4 p.m. today Monday, June 25, because of a water main break on Harewood Road that has affected water and air conditioning in most campus buildings. The exceptions are the Edward J. Pryzbyla University Center and the Columbus School of Law, which will be open as normal. Classes at the law school will be held as scheduled.Please consult the University website on Tuesday morning June 26, for any updates on building status.
The sink hole on Harewood Road is due to the leak in the water line along Harewood. In order to make the necessary repairs, the D.C Water and Sewer Authority has shut down water service to many campus buildings. The University has confirmed outages in the following buildings and will update if additional buildings go down. Water and restrooms are available in the Pryzbyla Center until 10 p.m. tonight.
The University will continue to monitor and update as information is received from the water authority.
Please direct any concerns to the Facilities Service Center at x 5121 or e-mail CUA-FMO@cua.edu .